Stef Czischek

Assistant Professor at University of Ottawa

Stef Czischek
Picture taken at the Applied Machine Learning Days (AMLD) 2022 by Samuel Devantery, ©

Email: Stefanie(dot)Czischek(at)uOttawa(dot)ca

Research Interests

Our research focuses on the intersection of artificial neural networks and quantum technologies. We use machine learning methods to enhance classical numerical simulations of quantum many-body systems and to optimize processes in experimental setups for quantum computation and quantum simulation. Our special interest lies in exploring the power of implementations of artificial neural networks in spiking and non-spiking neuromorphic hardware or general physical systems in the context of quantum physics. The support of numerical methods with such analog implementations promises significant advances beyond the limitations of conventional computers.

Selected topics


Since 2022

Assistant Professor at the Department of Physics, University of Ottawa (Canada).

2020 - 2022

Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Waterloo (Canada), in Roger Melko's Perimeter Institute Quantum Intelligence Lab (PIQuIL). Research on automated tuning for quantum dot devices, measurement-induced phase transitions, and enhancement of variational Monte Carlo with quantum data.

2019 - 2020

Postdoctoral Fellow at the Kirchhoff Insitute for Physics, Heidelberg University (Germany), with Thomas Gasenzer and Martin Gärttner. Research on representing strongly entangled quantum states with the BrainScaleS-2 spiking neuromorphic chip.


Springer Thesis Award recognizing outstanding Ph.D. research.

2016 - 2019 Ph.D. student at the Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, Heidelberg University, under the supervision of Thomas Gasenzer. Research on simulations of quantum dynamics with artificial neural networks and the discrete truncated Wigner approximation, and the sampling of quantum states with spiking neural networks.

2013 - 2016

Master of Science at the Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, Heidelberg University, under the supervision of Thomas Gasenzer. Research on exploring the power and limitation of the discrete truncated Wigner approximation to simulate quantum critical dynamics.

2014 - 2015

Erasmus semester at Uppsala Universitet (Sweden).

2010 - 2013

Bachelor of Science at Heidelberg University under the supervision of Andreas Mielke. Research on simulating starling flocks with classical spin-glass models.
